Floor Sweepers Streamline Your Cleaning Process


Does your staff spend hours cleaning the floor manually to comply with health and safety regulations? You are far better off introducing an automated floor sweeper to your cleaning routine.

The Hazards of Floor Debris

Many businesses deal with dirt and debris on a daily basis. Artisans may leave excess materials on the ground, construction workers often leave sawdust, shards or plastic around their feet, while stock warehouses or grocers may leave spills in their aisles. Requiring staff to go around cleaning up after all that takes up precious time that may be better spent elsewhere. Continue reading

Warehouse Conversions Need Industrial Clean-Up


There is big money in flipping houses. There is even bigger money in converting warehouse spaces into residential homes. While the concept is the same, the preparation work can be quite different. For instance, cleaning up old lead-based paint chips can cause illness when not performed correctly. Air ducts may be filled with contaminants that can aggravate allergies. Find a solution before entering this arena and watch your investment soar. Continue reading

How to Create an Eco-Friendly Cleaning Company


From harsh cleaners to power consumption issues, it doesn’t take much for your company’s carbon footprint to increase and spiral out of control. Here is a look at a few tips that will help you keep your company as green as possible in the coming years.

Study Your Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

An MSDS will give you all the information you need to know about any cleaning materials or chemicals you plan on using. These data sheets should be thoroughly studied by you and all of your employees before you adopt any new products into your cleaning routine. Continue reading

The Advantages of Using Industrial Floor Scrubbers


Many business owners are often too busy managing customer orders, inventory, and item delivery that they choose to hire professional cleaning services to keep their establishments and warehouses spic and span. Many of these professional cleaners can do a satisfying job because they have adopted top-of-the-line cleaning equipment that makes cleaning large surface areas simple and a whole lot easier than it used to. While professional cleaning services are a good option to keeping their spaces squeaky clean, it might be time for these businesses to consider purchasing their own industrial floor cleaning equipment.

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